7 Important Things To Take Into Consideration When Purchasing A 3d Printer

3d printing

It is not easy to purchase the right 3D printer. In spite of the learning and fun that we can get from using a 3D printer choosing the right one is always a difficult task. There are tons of 3D laser scanner available with each having each with its own pros and pros and. It was a challenge for me to purchase my first 3D printer. I decided to purchase an Anet A6 3D printer after having read a blog that recommends it for those who are just starting out. The truth is, I wasn't completely wrong but I just wish I could have done more research prior to buying my first 3D printer. I've compiled a list of things that all enthusiast and hobbyist should look into and choose a printer that fits their needs.

The volume of print:

Each printer is limited in the number of prints it produces. The printer must be capable of printing larger objects. A basic printer such as the Anet A6 can only be capable of printing objects with dimensions 220 x 220x 240 millimeters ( W x L H ). It is evident that this isn't too large if you think of printing things like real bust models, robotic arms and so on. If you are considering purchasing a 3D printer, be sure you check the maximum size of your print.


The process of leveling is among the most difficult thing to deal with when working on a 3d printer under 100. This is the process in which you need to level the heating bed at the right distance from the nozzle through out the surface of the bed. This could be extremely difficult if you try to do it by hand every time. Though it can be fun at the beginning but fun fades after two or three attempts. Perfect solution to this problem is an auto leveling feature that will level the heating bed automatically and you can start printing immediately. This will save a lot of time in the long run and save you a lot of hassle, however auto leveling printers comes with the cost of.

Types of FILAMENTS to be used:

Filaments can be described as the fuel of a 3D printer. They are the material that is heated and then extruded out of nozzles to print desired objects. There are a variety of filaments that can be utilized to print 3D objects. However, a specific 3D printer might only be capable of printing a certain number of filament types. Below is the table I found on the internet, this shows the different types of filaments and their characteristics.


This is the part which is the one that extrudes the filament that has been melted. The Nozzle moves along X, Y and Z axis to print the desired model. The size of the Nozzles utilized in 3D printers may differ based on the printer they're. Common nozzle sizes include 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.2mm. The most popular size for nozzles is 0.4mm that produces high-quality prints. 3D printers can also use nozzles made from different materials such as steel, brass or titanium and so on. To make things further interesting there are printers that have multiple extruders that can be used to print objects with a variety of colors by combining different materials. Multi-extruder printers can be expensive however they're extremely fun to use.


If quality is important to you, print resolution is something you'll be very interested in. The print resolution determines the quality of the print. There are two types of resolutions you have to consider: Vertical and XY resolution. The XY resolution is the distance that a stepper motor can be able to travel in a single step. Vertical resolution, also referred to as layer height is the thickness of extruding material which is used to print the image. The lesser the resolution greater the quality and the details of the print will be. Also , objects printed at a lower resolution will have smooth surface at the cost of more ink and time.


There are a variety of risks with 3D printers. This includes hot extruders hot bed, mechanical components, toxic fumes caused by melting certain filaments, and so on. It's very important you take these things into consideration if you are buying 3D printers for your kids or if you have children in your home. You can select enclosed best 3d printer, which will ensure that the user is not injured. However, closed-frame 3D printers are more expensive than their open-framed counterparts.


3D printing is a complex field that will require lots of support. Think about how helpful it would be to have people around who have previously used the 3D printer that you recently purchased. They'll be able to help you when setting up the printer and help you resolve any issues that you could run into. This is what the community's focus is. It's always a good idea to have a 3D printer to have a large community. Forums, websites, and social media forums are great ways to connect with the community and get assistance or ask for advice regarding your 3D printing journey.


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